Player Set allows you to move a whole group of players at once. If the location where you will be moving your players does not yet exist, Player Set will create it and move the players to that location.
PlayerName Template:
If you wish to run this process by the name of the player, click on PlayerName Template to download a CSV file.
Serial Template:
If you have more than one player
with the same Name or you would rather run the
process by the player’s
Serial Number, you need to use the Serial Template.
Note: If you need help
locating your players' serial number,
please read this.
In both
cases, after downloading
the file complete the
requested information for
each player, save your
file and select the Country, then click on the Upload
Run button to upload the CVS file into Zynchro.
Once uploaded, you will see a confirmation with a green banner and your players will be visible in Zynchro.
Once uploaded, you will see a confirmation with a green banner and your players will be visible in Zynchro.
Keep in mind not all players can be assigned to the locations the first time, in that case you need to go back to check for any mistakes in the CSV files, some of the most common errors can be a wrong Zip code, a wrong or incomplete serial number or missing characters. If the number of players missing is not too many, we recommend assigning them manually.
* The images used in this guide are
for illustrative purposes only and
designed to be a representation and/or
general orientation of the required
steps and/ or existing system and are
not in any way designed to represent
or guarantee aspects of the project,
software and or information from any
particular unit or location.