Presentations are the templates (with zones) that you have created previously in Bright Author and that will be used later on to create your playlist. For more information on creating templates in Bright Author, please refer to this article in our help docs or watch the quick video at the bottom of this document.

All existing presentations will be listed and you can review,
Update and/or Delete as needed. 

NOTE: Special characters can not be used when naming a presentation. Please use only letters and numbers from the English alphabet (no accents, symbols, ñ, etc).

Image Placeholder

In order to update a presentation, the new file must have the same name as the previous one.

Properties button allows you to modify who can edit, update or edit a presentation. Also you can copy to another client or change the owner of the presentation.

* If Zynchro was programmed beforehand in System Config -> Settings to require authorization for
 uploading Media or other files, here is where you decide whether or not to authorize the content.

Image Placeholder

Content will be marked accordingly.
Image Placeholder

Click on
Upload New Presentation to add a new presentation.

Image Placeholder

After clicking on the New Presentation button you will be taken to a screen where you can drag your files.

 Image Placeholder

Information can be exported to Excel or CSV as required by clicking on the corresponding option. 

* The images used in this guide are for illustrative purposes only and designed to be a representation and/or general orientation of the required steps and/ or existing system and are not in any way designed to represent or guarantee aspects of the project, software and or information from any particular unit or location.