24.10.172 (06/20/2024)
-- NEW --
-Campaign Manager > Properties > Settings > Campaign Validation Settings (On/Off). 
-System Config > Settings > TV > CEC > Switch Power Cycle.

24.10.106 (04/15/2024)
-- NEW --
-Monitoring > TV > Shows information for multiple TVs (XC players only). 
-Campaign Manager >Banners: BA Connected Support. 
-Content > Media Library: Notification when uploading an existing file showing the original name and location. 
-- FIXES --
-Campaign Manager > Reports > Scorecards Fixed reports with weighted inventory different than 3600 seconds. 
-Content > Media Library:  Able to delete Assets not in use. 
-Campaign Manager > Interstitials: Remove support for Series 5 players. (Chroma keys functionality not supported in Series 5 players).

24.10.61 (03/01/2024)
-- NEW --
-Monitoring > By Filter: New column describes the type of setup on the player (Legacy and/or connected). 
-Monitoring > Content > By Filter: Snapshots by Asset. 
-Monitoring > By Filter > Health: New Columns First Ping.
-Monitoring > By Filter > Content: New Columns for BA. 
-Monitoring > By Filter > TV: New Column HDMI & CEC. 
-Groups > Smart groups > New keys have been added in Smart groups (TV-CEC, TV-HDMI Link, Player-BA). 
-Media Library > Close Caption.
-Presentations > Zones: New column of zones to visualize the layout.
- Presentations > Edit Content: Media Type Default Video / Order list from A to Z.  
-Content > Playlist > New Column: BA type.  
-Content > Playlist > New Column: Zones to visualize the layout.   
- Content > Dayparting:  BA Connected supported.  
- Campaign Manager > Campaigns: Filter by Status.
-Campaign Manager > Campaigns: Filter Created By. 
-Campaign Manager > Campaigns: New Log Button. 
-Campaign Manager > Campaigns:  Pause Status Added (Life campaigns can now be changed to pause status).
-Player Config > Player Set up: New Set up available that supports VLAN in Series 5 (Only BA Legacy). 
23.10.201 (07/20/2023)
-- NEW --
-Monitoring > Info: Web Inspector.
-Monitoring > Info: New SD Card log.
-Media Library > Crop feature for videos.
-Player config > New Automate module.
23.10.139 (05/19/2023)
-- NEW --
-Smart Groups > New Keys and order
-Media Library > Mark row in red if dimensions contain a zero.
-Media Library > Mark row in red if duration is zero.
-General > BrightAuthor connected is fully compatible and can publish both version to any player (Legacy/Connected).
-Content > Programming Log: You can now edit the presentation of a New Player programming.
-Campaign Manager > Order drop menus by alphabetical order.
-Campaign Manager > New module Asset Insert.
-Campaign Manager > Optimized Inventory report.
-Campaign Manager > Thumbnails of asset in camping and rundown.
-Campaign Manager > Takeover: Location groups are now by event.
23.10.74 (03/15/2023)
-- NEW --
-Content > Programming Log: New Edit button to change presentation.
23.10.32 (02/01/2023)
-- NEW --
-Monitoring > Health: RAM viewer.
-Monitoring > Content: Asset viewer with preview for playlist and campaigns.
-Monitoring > Content: Rundown viewer for campaigns.
-Monitoring > TV: TV details added: Manufacturer, Product, Manufactured, Monitor Name, Size.
-Monitoring > By Filter: TV column chooser added.
-Player Config > Smart Actions: Change Proxy option added.
-Monitoring > Content: Content Server.
-Monitoring > Network: Details button.
-Monitoring > Content: Icon indicating last publish.
-Monitoring > Health: First ping Data and Time.
-Monitoring > Updated layout.
-Monitoring > SD: SD Usage and SD health are in two columns.
-Monitoring > Snapshot Mosaic: Added player index, player Serial.
-Monitoring > By Filter: New columns: Uptime, Uptime Sec, Last Ping, Last Ping sec, SD Brand, SD Health
-Monitoring > By Filter: Pre-filter buttons.
-Media Library > Multiple deletes.
-Media Library > Add folder tags.
-Content > Playlist: Multiple deletes.
-Content > Playlist: Auto-Publish.
-Campaign Manager > List: Alert assets specs.
-Campaign Manager > Properties: Alert assets Block/Alert.
-Campaign Manager > Campaign details: Alert assets specs.
-Campaign Manager > Inventory: Excel download.

-- FIXES --
-Smart Groups > Saved until save button.
-Player > Streaming autoplay.
-Player > No interstitial playback with images.
22.10.112 (04/22/2022)
-- NEW --
-Monitoring > Recovery: View Log with cause.
-Monitoring > SD Info: SD card health status.
-Player Config > Player Setup > DWS, LWS password.

22.10.53 (02/22/2022)
-- NEW --
-Groups by location > Option to load location from a CSV file.
-Smart Groups > You can now add a Location Group with Include/Exclude options.

22.10.5 (01/05/2022)
-- NEW --
-Campaign Manager > Revenue Classes > Interstitials: Add gap between assets.
-Campaign Manager > Rundown: Report Gap between assets for interstitials.
-Campaign Manager > Inventory: Report Gap between assets for interstitials.

21.10.346 (12/12/2021)
-- NEW --
-Campaign Manager > Impressions: New layout by year/month.

21.10.322 (11/18/2021)
-- NEW --
-Campaign Manager > Scorecard: New Layout.
-Campaign Manager > Revenue Classes: Added percentage per revenue class.
-Campaign Manager > Rundown: New graphs by Revenue Classes. Percentage of usage.

21.10.288 (10/15/2021)
-- NEW --
-Campaign Manager > Inventory > Simulated Campaigns: New Layout.
-Campaign Manager > Revenue Classes: New option to add Interstitials between assets.

21.10.227 (08/15/2021)
-- NEW --
-Campaign Manager > Fillers: Audio ON/OFF.

21.10.201 (07/20/2021)
-- NEW --
-Monitoring > Info: SD card content viewer.

21.10.161 (06/10/2021)
-- NEW --
-Campaign Manager: Added, "Last Modified" and 'Modified By' to the campaign list.
-Campaign Manager > Rundown: Option to include 'Draft/Reserved' and 'Completed'.

21.10.138 (05/18/2021)
-- NEW --
-Monitoring > Player Health: If the presentation has a Force Resolution=False, and the resolution doesn't match, is no longer mark as an alert.

21.10.122 (05/02/2021)
-- NEW --
-System Config > No Content: Ability to change the No Content default image.

21.10.100 (04/10/2021)
-- NEW --
-Monitoring > Map: Recovery Mode Filter.
-Monitoring > Map: Each Status (Players, Online, Offline, Recovery Mode) is a button to filter the map.
-Monitoring > By Filter: Recovery Mode column.
-Monitoring > Details: Recovery Mode indicator.

21.10.7 (01/07/2021)
-- NEW --
-Content > Media Library: New Info button per asset with a list where the asset is being used.
-Content > Files Library / Presentations: If a certificate is attached to a presentation, it will be installed in the player. The extension must be .bsca

-- FIXES --
-Campaign Manager > Search: Now is working correctly.
-Campaign Manager > Campaigns: Special characters are no longer accepted as part of the name.
-Groups > Smart Groups: Special characters are no longer accepted as part of the name.
-Player Config > Player Setup: Special characters are no longer accepted as part of the name and description.

20.10.335 (12/01/2020)
-- NEW --
-Campaign Manager: Takeover Module
-Campaign Manager > Campaigns > Conditions > Date/Time: Select Days of the week per Date Range

20.10.317 (11/13/2020)
-- NEW --
-Campaign Manager > Rundown: Completed campaigns can now be included into the report.
-Campaign Manager > Properties > Presentation: Change the priority of the Smart Groups.

20.10.303 (10/30/2020)
-- NEW --
-Monitoring > Read-Only option.
-Monitoring > Snapshot Mosaic page component.

20.10.289 (10/16/2020)
-- NEW --
-VDA: Now shows Gray for Never connected, Green for Connected, Red for Disconnected.

20.10.275 (10/02/2020)
-- NEW --
-Monitoring > Player description now available.
-Monitoring > Player MAC address now available.

20.10.267 (9/24/2020)
-- NEW --
-Campaign Manager > Conditions: Total locations in table and modal.
-Campaign Manager > Conditions: Delete All locations button.
-Campaign Manager > Properties: Default audio.
-Campaign Manager > If the user has the Approve permission can go directly to Approve.

20.10.265 (9/22/2020)
-- NEW --
-Monitoring > By Map: New Filter by Smart Groups.

-- FIXES --
-Campaign Manager > Rundown: Current Duration.
-Campaign Manager > Rundown: WRT Assets.
-Campaign Manager > Rundown: WRT Graph.

20.10.246 (9/03/2020)
-- NEW --
-Campaign Manager > Properties: Presentation - Smart Group assignment.

20.10.166 (6/15/2020)
-- NEW --
-Campaign Manager: New Module.
-VDA: New Module.

20.10.140 (5/20/2020)
-- NEW --
-System Config > Control Tower: New Module.
-Content > Dayparting: New Module.
-Content > Media Library: View button to preview Videos, Audios, Images and HTML.
-Content > Playlist: Preview button to play a simulation of the playlist.

-- FIXES --
-Locations > List: Wrong State/City when adding a new location.

20.10.111 (4/21/2020)
-- NEW --
-Content > Media library: New search functionality.
-Content > Media library: Add Other new Widget type.
-Content > Playlist: New search functionality when selecting from media library tree.
-Content > Playlist: Conditions button turns green when it is configured.
-Player Config > Player Setup: You can now configure the NTP Server.
-Player Config > Smart Actions: You can now change the NTP Server on a bulk process.
-Monitoring > Info: TimeZone - You can now change the NTP Server.
-Content > Tags: New admin to Add, Edit or delete Tags with permission.
-Content > Media Library: Bulk Tag assignment.
-Content > Media Library: New AssetID value.
-Monitoring > Details > Tags: New view.
-Content > Media Library > Tags: New view.
-Player Config > Smart Actions > Tags: New view.

-- FIXES --
-Content > Media library: Add Other, Widget bug when publishing.
-Content > Media library: Removed support for .wmv videos files.

20.10.96 (4/6/2020)
-- NEW --
-Content > Media library: Add Other, New Name field.
-Content > Media library: Add Other, Widget type added.
-Content > Playlist: Now shows names of HTML, UDP and Zone messages instead of value.
-Player Config > B-Deploy: New Device provisioning module.
-Player Config > Player Setup: You can now save player configurations.

-- FIXES --
-System Config > Profile/Users: Minor fix when adding a new client.

20.10.91 (4/1/2020)
-- NEW --
-Content > Playlist: New function to bind playlists.
-System Config > Profiles/Users: New module to manage users and profiles.
-Monitoring > By Filter: New Playlist column.
-Content > Playlist: New form for Conditions with multiple Dates/Hours ranges.
-Monitoring > Content: You can now toggle ON/OFF 1-minute snapshots.

-- FIXES --
-Content > Media Library: Main folder now can't be move to another folder.
-Groups > Smart Groups: Issue with Apostrophe in a group name has been fixed.