Allows you to get a summary of your campaign and see how it is being monetized. You can view all relevant information from your campaigns by Smart Group and you can also narrow down by the location where it is being displayed. 

By clicking on the blue arrows on either side you can review this information on previous or future dates. And you can also view by Week or Month. 

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Weighted inventory is your screen time (in seconds) available for sale. You can modify this amount in Campaign Manager -> Properties -> Settings (tab). 

WRT is the time (in seconds) that you already have occupied by the campaigns assigned to that Smart Group (and Location if also filtering by location). 

Fillers duration is the amount of seconds that are occupied by the content that you have previously uploaded to fillers (Campaign Manager -> Properties -> Fillers (tab) and that will be displayed randomly to fill in your campaigns times’ voids (if all your inventory is not sold) . 

The sum of WRT plus Fillers duration will total the time Weighted inventory

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If more than one campaign is assigned to a Smart Group, you will see all content that is assigned to that SmartGroup. If you are filtering by location as well, you will see the order in which the assets will be displayed. 

All this information can be downloaded by clicking the Download Excel button. 

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* The images used in this guide are for illustrative purposes only and designed to be a representation and/or general orientation of the required steps and/ or existing system and are not in any way designed to represent or guarantee aspects of the project, software and or information from any particular unit or location.