A tag is a label that you assign to an asset or/and a player to identify it and publish specific content by using that tag.
This section
allows you to create,
delete, and organize all tags.
You can also add a
description to each tag to
help you better understand
what each tag is in
reference to.
To create a new tag enter the desired name (and a description - optional ) and click on the Add button.
To create a new tag enter the desired name (and a description - optional ) and click on the Add button.
You can
also Edit and Delete
previously created tags by
clicking on the
corresponding buttons.
Please note, if a tag is currently in use you will not be able to Delete it and the Delete button will not be enabled.
Please note, if a tag is currently in use you will not be able to Delete it and the Delete button will not be enabled.
* The
images used in this guide are for
illustrative purposes only and
designed to be a representation
and/or general orientation of the
required steps and/ or existing
system and are not in any way
designed to represent or guarantee
aspects of the project, software
and or information from any
particular unit or