This endpoint is used to get information about the devices with alerts.
This endpoint must be consumed in GET request.
This endpoint is secured, you must send a Bearer Token, to be able to invoke the endpoint. To get the token, you should invoke first the /oauth/token service of the security microservice, if you don't know what service is, please talk with your sysadmin for further information.
As part of the request a Bearer Token must be sent, (if you don't send a valid token a 401 error will be retrieved). Look at the next example below in Postman.
This must be sent in the Http headers of the request. Look at the next curl example below.
Copy codecurl --location 'host:port/zynchro.api.monitoring/v1/player-health/alerts?client_id=38&smartgroup_id=0&transaction_id=123456' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE3MDMyODQ4MjIsInVzZXJfbmFtZSI6ImFsZWphbmRyby56YW5hYnJpYUBkaWdpd29ya3MuY29tLm14IiwiYXV0aG9yaXRpZXMiOlsiUk9MRV9TWVNURU1BRE1JTiJdLCJqdGkiOiJEUzBUWklOeG1MZEZ0S1dqNlFOVEJGV3pUX00iLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiJ6eW5jaHJvIiwic2NvcGUiOlsicmVhZCIsIndyaXRlIl19.RL21mKd89C7hlFt2MxToU2wjDO0uAJh8Sa9ObD6nHgQ'
In Java this would be an example of the code: It will depend on the dependency you use.
Copy codeOkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder() .build(); MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("text/plain"); RequestBody body = new MultipartBody.Builder().setType(MultipartBody.FORM) .build(); Request request = new Request.Builder() .url("host:port/zynchro.api.monitoring/v1/player-health/alerts?client_id=38&smartgroup_id=0&transaction_id=123456") .method("GET", body) .addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE3MDMyODQ4MjIsInVzZXJfbmFtZSI6ImFsZWphbmRyby56YW5hYnJpYUBkaWdpd29ya3MuY29tLm14IiwiYXV0aG9yaXRpZXMiOlsiUk9MRV9TWVNURU1BRE1JTiJdLCJqdGkiOiJEUzBUWklOeG1MZEZ0S1dqNlFOVEJGV3pUX00iLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiJ6eW5jaHJvIiwic2NvcGUiOlsicmVhZCIsIndyaXRlIl19.RL21mKd89C7hlFt2MxToU2wjDO0uAJh8Sa9ObD6nHgQ") .build(); Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
These are the params required in the request:
Field | SubField | Type | Description | IsRequired |
transaction_id | text | A custom value to identify the data related to the request in the response (you can see the transactionId in the response header). Example:
Note: This field is not related with the data to be retrieved, must be used by the client app in order to identify the request/response (if that is useful), the same value can be send in multiple request (it’s not validated that the same value was sent before). | N | |
client_id | int | The id of the client associated to the request, Example:
| Y | |
smartgroup_id | int | The id of the specific smart group to query. Example:
Note: if the smartgroup_id is not send then all the info retrieved is for all the smartgroups associated to the client. | N |
Consuming Service
Example Request
Consuming service
(GET) URL:HOST:PORT/zynchro.api.monitoring/v1/player-health/alerts?client_id=38&smartgroup_id=0&transaction_id=123456
Request Params:
Response 200 OK
If the params presented in the request are valid, then you will receive a response 200 "ok" message code. Look at the next example below:
{ "header": { "resultCode": "ok", "messageCode": "ok", "messageDescription": "request ok", "transactionId": "123456" }, "data": { "totalLocations": 3939, "totalPlayers": 7871, "results": [ { "state": "California", "city": "Del Sur", "locationName": "Store #1563", "playerName": "TV Wall", "serial": "TUE01J002398", "offline": true, "resolution": false, "firmware": true, "tvPower": false, "tvInput": false, "lastPingStr": "85d 6h 16m 26s ago", "lastPingSecs": 7366587, "localIP": "", "presentation": "TVWall-Main-Banner-4K-60p-FR1-v2" }, { "state": "Ohio", "city": "Youngstown", "locationName": "Store #2211", "playerName": "TV Wall", "serial": "D3E98T001086", "offline": true, "resolution": false, "firmware": true, "tvPower": false, "tvInput": false, "lastPingStr": "85d 6h 16m 26s ago", "lastPingSecs": 7366587, "localIP": "", "presentation": "TVWall-Main-Banner-4K-60p-FR1-v2" } ] } }
Description of the response data:
Field | SubField | Type | Description |
header | | Object | Specific data related to the response. |
| resultCode | text | The result code of the response, can be: · error -> if errors were found · ok -> if NO errors were found |
| messageCode | text | The message code related to the result code of the response, can be: Example: |
| messageDescription | text | The description of the message code Example: · Request ok · Please check your params fields |
| transactionId | text | The transactionId specified in the request, if no transactionId was sent in the request then the transacionId in the response will be null. |
errors | | Array | This field is present if there are errors in the request. |
| fieldName | text | The field with errors. |
| fieldDesc | text | The description of the error. |
Data | | Object | The specific response data related to the request. |
totalLocations | int | Total locations associated to the smartgroup or client. Example:
| |
totalPlayers | int | Total players/devices associated to the smartgroup or client. Example:
| |
results | Array | List/Array of devices with alerts. | |
results (object) | |||
state | text | The state where the device/player is located. Example:
| |
city | text | The city where the device/player is located. Example:
| |
locationName | text | The name of the location where the device/player is located. Example:
| |
playerName | text | The name of the device/player Example:
| |
serial | text | The name of the device/player Example:
| |
offline | boolean | A boolean value that indicates if the player is offline. Example:
| |
resolution | boolean | A boolean value that indicates if the resolution is enabled. Example:
| |
firmware | boolean | A boolean value that indicates if the firmware has the last version. Example:
| |
tvPower | boolean | A boolean value that indicates if the power of the TV is enabled. Example:
| |
tvInput | boolean | A boolean value that indicates if the input of the TV is enabled. Example:
| |
lastPingStr | text | A String/text that indicates the time of the last ping to the player/device, in the format:
| |
lastPingSecs | text | A numeric value that indicates the number of seconds of the last ping to the player/device: Example:
| |
localIP | text | The local ip of the player/device. Example:
| |
presentation | text | The name of the presentation associated to the device/player. Example:
Response 400
If there are errors with the request, then you will receive a 400 message response BAD_REQUEST with the errors field present, like the following example:
Copy code{ "header": { "resultCode": "error", "messageCode": "BAD_REQUEST", "messageDescription": "Please check your params fields", "transactionId": "123456" }, "errors": [ { "fieldName": "client_id", "fieldDesc": "Field is required, and must be of type int " } ] }
Response 401
If you dont send any token, then you will receive a error message of "unauthorized", take a look at the next example:
Copy code{ "error": "unauthorized", "error_description": "Full authentication is required to access this resource" }
Copy code{ "error": "invalid_token", "error_description": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE3MDM2MTk5NzMsInVzZXJfbmFtZSI6ImFsZWphbmRyby56YW5hYnJpYUBkaWdpd29ya3MuY29tLm14IiwiYXV0aG9yaXRpZXMiOlsiUk9MRV9TWVNURU1BRE1JTiJdLCJqdGkiOiJHTGtQb3hQbVRTZUs2RFhmc1NfNkUxRkMxZmsiLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiJ6eW5jaHJvIiwic2NvcGUiOlsicmVhZCIsIndyaXRlIl19.yAFbdU18wMtQXSGUY3_noQn4BQv0RqYjDbw0sr1x6Yk" }
This is the data retrieved when the 401 unauthorized is retrieved:
Field | SubField | Type | Description |
error | | text | The type of the error, can be:
error_description | text | The description of the error, for the "invalid_token", this field retrieves the bearer token you're sending |