
B-Deploy is a feature that allows you to remotely set up one or multiple players efficiently.
  • To set up a small number of players, you can add each player manually by clicking the "Add Player" button.
  • For bulk setups, use the CSV template. Download the template by clicking on the download icon.
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Before Starting a B-Deploy

To successfully set up a player using B-Deploy, ensure the following:
  1. The player must be added to Zynchro through B-Deploy, either by using the Add Player option or by uploading the CSV template (see the Adding Players sections below).
  2. The player must be connected to a power source.
  3. The player must have an active internet connection via Ethernet DHCP (Default) with no special network configurations (open access required).
  4. An empty, pre-formatted SD card (exFAT recommended) must be inserted into each player.
  5. If a player was previously connected to Zynchro:
    1. Delete the player from Zynchro.
    2. Perform a Factory Reset before proceeding with B-Deploy.
  6. Set up a connection configuration for the player's internet access for the Zynchro setup.
  7. Once the B-Deploy process begins, the player will restart multiple times as the Zynchro setup initiates. Upon completion of the setup, the player will be automatically removed from the B-Deploy list.

Configuring Connection Settings

  • If using Ethernet DHCP (Default) after setup, no additional configuration is needed. Select "Ethernet DHCP (Default)" in the Player Config field or enter "0" in the CSV template.
  • If using a custom wired or wireless connection, create a connection configuration by clicking on the "Player Config" tab.
  • Any connection configurations created in Player Setup - Player Config will also be available in B-Deploy and vice versa.
For details on configuring a Wireless connection, refer to the Setting up a Player - WiFi Connection section.

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Adding Players Manually via "Add Player"

To add players one by one:
    1.  Click "Add Player".
    2.  The "Player Config - B-Deploy" window will open.
    3.  Fill in the required fields:
         a. Player Name: Enter a unique name (avoid special characters).
         b. Serial: Enter the player's serial number.
         c. Player Config: Select the desired connection configuration.
         d. BA Type: Choose Legacy or Connected.
    4.  Click "Save" to add the player to the list.
    5.  Validate that the added player is shown on the list. If not, please contact Zynchro support.

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Adding Players via CSV Template

For bulk player setups, follow these steps:
    1.  Download the CSV template.
    2.  Ensure that headers remain unchanged.
    3.  Save the file as "BDeployTemplate.csv".
    4.  Enter player details in the template:
         a. Serial: Player’s serial number.
         b. PlayerName: Chosen player name (no special characters).
         c. PlayerConfig: Enter the Connection Configuration ID (found in the first column of the
             "Player Config"tab). If using Ethernet DHCP (Default), enter "0".
         d. Type: Use "1" for Legacy setup, "2" for Connected setup.
    5.  Upload the template by clicking "Upload CSV".
    6.  If the upload fails, a red notification will indicate errors in the fields or file name.
    7.  If successful, a green message will confirm the upload, and the players will appear in the
        list below.
    8.  Validate that the added players are shown on the list. If not, please review the CSV
         If the uploaded data is correct and the player still does not appear in the list, please contact
         Zynchro support.

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Editing or Deleting Players

  • Edit Button: Allows modification of player details (name, serial number, configuration, and BA Type). In some cases, a duplicate entry may appear after editing; delete the original entry if needed.
  • Delete Button: Removes the selected player from the list.

*The images in this guide are for illustrative purposes only. They serve as a general representation of the required steps and existing system but do not guarantee or depict specific details of the project, software, or information from any particular unit or location.