Send Zone Messages from HTML example file: ZynchroAnalyticsExample.js


Send Zone Messages from BA:


Start: Send 'Zone Message' 'zy_analytics_session_start'

End: Send 'Zone Message' 'zy_analytics_session_end'

IMPORTANT: Do NOT use spaces


Zynchro will detect automatically all the video playbacks, there is no need to add any message.


Send 'Zone Message' with the prefix 'zy_analytics_click_' and the name of your event.

IMPORTANT: Do NOT use spaces

e.g. zy_analytics_click_NameOfYourEvent


Send 'Zone Message' with the prefix 'zy_analytics_pageview_' and the name of your page.

IMPORTANT: Do NOT use spaces

e.g. zy_analytics_pageview_NameOfYourEvent

* The images used in this guide are for illustrative purposes only and designed to be a representation and/or general orientation of the required steps and/ or existing system and are not in any way designed to represent or guarantee aspects of the project, software and or information from any particular unit or location.