- About Zynchro Licenses
- About Zynchro Support
- Can I copy assets (media) from one client to another?
- Can I customize the logo in Zynchro?
- Can I display a website on my players?
- Can I get more information on my SD card once it’s in a player?
- Can I move a license from one client to another in Zynchro?
- Can I move a player from BrightSign Network to Zynchro remotely?
- Can I move a player from one client in Zynchro to another?
- Can I move my player from one WiFi network to another?
- Can I remotely clean up an SD card?
- Can I use any SD card?
- Can I use special characters when naming a player, playlist or presentation?
- DPAA Member
- How are my licenses in use tallied?
- How can I check when my licenses expire?
- How can I export my analytics from HTML to BrightAuthor?
- How can I know if my player is connecting to the internet correctly?
- How can I tell if my player is connected via Ethernet or via Wifi?
- How do I activate/deactivate the Content Authorization option?
- How do I change the name, zip code or any other details of a location?
- How do I create a playlist in Zynchro?
- How do I create a wifi configuration?
- How do I delete an asset in Media Library?
- How do I download a log from a specific player?
- How do I find my players’ IP?
- How do I find my players’ serial number?
- How do I get into my Zynchro?
- How do I reduce my data usage?
- How do I reset my password?
- How do I reset or reboot my player?
- How to Sync Campaigns?
- How to use Sync on Multiple Playlists?
- If I do not have physical access to a player, is there any way I can remotely set it up in a new client? (Advanced users)
- If I do not have physical access to a player, is there any way I can remotely set it up? (for players new to Zynchro)
- If I do not have physical access to a player, is there any way I can remotely set it up? (for players previously setup in Zynchro)
- In Monitoring -> Player Health - Alerts, why are the time options less than x amount of hours?
- In player health, when I create an alert, why do you have a condition that allows me to decide if I want to be alerted if player has been offline less than [insert] hours?
- Is my player generating Analytics?
- My email has changed, can I update it in Zynchro?
- What are some best practices for mobile connections?
- What do the colors in SD-health represent?
- What do the colors in SD-Usage represent?
- What format should my SD card be in?
- What happens if one of my licenses expires?
- What information is considered for the bandwidth report?
- What is recovery mode?
- What is the estimated data usage per player?
- What should I know when using cellular internet to consider my costs?
- What size SD card do you recommend?
- Why am I missing columns/categories in Monitoring -> by Filter
- Why are my thumbnails “broken” in Snapshot Moasic?
- Why are the health alerts in Monitoring -> Player Health, programmed to end after a certain time?
- Why can't I delete an asset in Media Library?
- Why is the bandwidth usage that Zynchro reports different from what my service provider says: