In order to create a playlist, you must first have two elements:
- A presentation previously created in BrightAuthor. For more information on creating presentations in Bright Author, please click here.
- Content in
your media
be it images and/or
videos. For more
information on adding
content to your media
library please refer
to that section of
this guide or click here.
Once you have these
two elements, you can
begin creating your
playlist (if you prefer
a video overview,
please scroll down to
the end of this
Go to
Once you
have finished adding
your media, it will be
listed and you can
then determine the
duration of your
content by type or
individually, by
clicking on the Edit button.
You can also include or exclude a particular location by code (location ID).
For more detailed information on playlists and SmartLists, please refer to the playlist section of this guide or click here.
This short video will walk you through the process.