To create a wifi configuration for your player, go to Player Config -> Player Setup and select the Player Config tab.

Click on the blue “Add Player Config” button.

Give your Player Config a name and select the wireless tab.

Image Placeholder

Check the box marked Wireless and input your SSID and Security Key information.

BEST PRACTICE: Always set a wired connection (ethernet) as primary , even if you will be using wifi. This will allow you to connect your player with an ethernet cable -if you ever need to- without having to run a new player setup.

Click Save.

You will then use this configuration when setting up a player. 

* The images used in this guide are for illustrative purposes only and designed to be a representation
 and/or general orientation of the required steps and/ or existing system and are not in any way designed to represent or guarantee aspects of the project, software and or information from any particular unit or location.